I'm lucky to have grown up with the world's greatest dog and the world's strangest parents (they seem to be getting stranger by the day). Not only have they gone to Wendy's for "date night" to enjoy the salad bar and debate over which of the senior citizens my dad could "take" in a fight, they also treat our dogs to a variety of treats ranging from Baskin Robbins Icecream to Dunkin' Donuts. I think that a lot of this has to do with empty nest syndrome, my brothers and I moved out of the house over ten years ago.
One of these outings resulted in a photography book (if you've ever wondered where I get my influences from) entitled, "Max's First Trip To McDonalds." The book arrived one day in my mailbox at Marlboro College and I've cherished it all of these years, placing it on my bookshelf between "Walker Evans: A Biography" and Calvin Tomkin's "Marcel Duchamp." So, for the first time in cyber-space, I present to you the cult classic, "Max's First Trip To McDonalds" (with original captions):
"I'm going to McDonalds!"
"I've got shotgun!"
"Decisions . . . decisions"
"Remind them . . . no pickles, no onions on the cheeseburgers"