Dear Blog,
I'm writing to apologize for the fact that my Dad has been a terrible blogger these past few months. I'm tempted to say that he's been too busy but this is irrelevant. I know that his lack of correspondence has hurt your feelings and for this I'm very sorry. Now, where to begin . . .
This autumn has been a roller coaster of emotions for me: first my Mom's team the Chicago Cubs got home-field advantage for the playoffs, then they were swept away by the Dodgers in just three games:

Despite the Cubs loss, my Dad's favorite team the Red Sox were still in the running for the championship. We watched every game together, even the incredible game 5 comeback. Despite their efforts, the Red Sox lost game seven and even though my Dad says we gave it a good shot, I know that he's crying on the inside:

Other than that, it's been nothing but news news news at the house. First it was the conventions, then the debates, then Keith Olbermann on MSNBC, and on and on and on. I'm really happy that Obama's ahead in the polls, I'm just hoping it stays this way for the next two weeks, the thought of a Mccain/Palin White House is just way too scary:
Finally, my Dad and I have been spending a lot of time listening to music in his studio. My favorite band at the moment is The Phantom Sons:

The Phantoms Sons is a new project by one of my Dad's best and oldest friends, Cable Griffith. My Dad's friend Nils also plays on these demos and his friend Eric is teaming up with him so they can start to perform their songs live and on stage. Look out Seattle, if you see these guys playing out, it will be well worth your while to stick your head in for a listen:
1. "Evelyn":
luckiest kid in the world!
Really? Hiding behind a sweet, innocent baby and baseball? You know the next step on this road to perdition don't you? "Buy this picture, I'm hungry and my Daddy needs the money!" See? It's a slippery slope! Step away from the baby, and take it like a man.
He is very cute and sweet.
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