I always find it so difficult to explain to my photo 1 students how to light a photograph . . . until now. Thank god for Tyra, this woman can do everything! Click
here for Tyra Banks photo lecture 101 (warning to all photographers: this clip might make you throw up in your mouth).
Just a small Vurp.
But The Git might hurl at these Gifs.
Thanks Alec, she is insane!
eww! disturbing...i have some rare sound recordings of Tyra popping someone else's pimples on tv. Sad.
thanks for the taste of vomit.
amazing. showing it to my students tomorrow morning.
I would rather throw up in her mouth.
And, I am now officially a Tnyetta fan. She is not only better looking the Tyra, she's also nice and charming and does not make me want to throw up anywhere.
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